Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Why So Serious"?

So...like any other sane person in this world, I thought Dark Knight was incredible. It reminded me of those condensed Greek tragedies that we had to read in high school. The ones with the really obvious character themes, but they were still entertaining, even though the teacher made you discuss them for weeks on end.

But this isn't about my opinion, it's about a review written by Armond White of the New York Press. Mr. White is a man that takes himself and his job about 50% too seriously. Dude calls a friggin' Batman movie "intellectual squalor" and "pseudo-existential". REALLY??? Batman?! Like...for real? We're comparing Bruce Wayne to Nietzsche now??

Not only should Armond White think about a new line of work, but my pocket protector is 10 times cooler than this guy's anyway . . .so I win.

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