Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Faux Fur & Soccer Shirts: The Beginning of the End of the Beginning of the Beginning

Hopefully you've noticed, but I've been pretty slack with the posting around here in the last few weeks.  There's a reason:  I'm conserving by blogger chi.  Saving up "energy" for some (Xenu willing) big changes in 2011.  I don't want to unwittingly release the proverbial legumes, as it were, just yet.  BUT, some movement is set to take place in the near future and I haven't decided what to do with this page.

To be honest, I love this blog.  It's like yelling loudly in a room that only has 8 people in it, but the 8 people that do listen are unexpectedly important.  Coming soon, I'll be with my friends in a new house, with bigger rooms, and even more people to scream at.  Good stuff.  In plain English:  You should be hearing more from me soon.  But in the new realm, I'll be doing bigger and better stuff . . .assuming catastrophe doesn't strike and I somehow mess it all up.

Soooo, yeah.  I'm still here.  Hopefully some news is coming.

E.M. Theories, you ready?!

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