Monday, January 11, 2010

The Landon Donovan Afterglow

(Image via Daily Mail)

In most situations, I find people's reactions and responses to events alot more interesting than the event itself.  Kind of a "big picture" thing.  Donovan's debut at Everton was no different.

I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised with the overwhelming positivity flowing from the American soccer community.  Aside from the random "troll" (as the kids say) here or there, the consensus seems to be that we're proud of LD and that he put on a very respectable showing on Saturday morning.

Amazing how times change, ain't it?
12-18 months ago, the only people who received more verbal abuse from American fans than Landon Donovan were either married to scrawny divas, or held Mexican passports.  Since then, Landon's become a bit of a hard ass, gotten the "Go to Europe" monkey off his back (twice), grabbed his own club by the neck, and re-gained his spot as American hero.

Well done, sir.
I don't know who farted in your Cork Flakes* and turned you into the new Captain America...but bravo.

*Yes I do

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