Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It Really DID Offend Him, Yeah?!

Absolute Stone-Cold Undeniable FACT:
"Musicians" make the worst music fans/critics/observationists. Every song is nitpicked down to the last note, and they seem to ignore all the things in music that happen on the right side of the brain. It's like they see each song as a huge math equation that has to be solved in a specific way.

I bring this up, because Does It Offend You, Yeah? posted some hate mail they got on Myspace this morning, and it reminded me of a argument I got into a few weeks ago about the virtues of British rock music. (No, I'm not calling DIOYY? rock music):
im sorry but

your guys music is terrible, you guys basically took the shittiest sound from the 80s and made it worse. and because kids today wouldnt know good music if it bit them in the ass you guys will get famous, so congratulations on your 15 minutes of fame for making really bad music. why dont you have your singer get a manly voice and stop singing like a 12 year old girl, and give your drummer more than 3 drums in his kit, and MAYBE tell your guitarist to turn the gain up a little on the distortion. better yet, give your hippie parents back their instruments from the 60s and go back to being emo kids cuttin your wrists in the bathrooom. or maybe you guys could jsut play some good damn music and stop witht his retro-rock garbage.


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