Friday, October 9, 2009

Flying Lotus - Beginner's Falafel

Flying Lotus - Beginner's Falafel from Oliver Brooks on Vimeo.

It's random stuff like this fan video that makes me run through the internet 10 times a day looking for dope shit, when I'm supposed to be doing work for this big, stupid "International" company with their "Business" of making "Machines"*.  I love you, internet.  Never leave me.

*Side-note:  My job is incredibly ironic (like, actual irony, not Lower East Side irony) given my fear of technology, computers and all machinery with a processor chip.  What if it turns out that I'm the dude that fills out the final TPS report for the microchip that eventually leads to the destruction of the human race?!  Given my luck, it's probably gonna happen, as my life has dissolved into somewhat of a Greek tragedy, minus the chorus.  Yeah.

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