Monday, June 21, 2010

N.E.R.D. Rant

Disclaimer:  I'm allowed to do this because I've been blasting N.E.R.D. through various speakers non-stop since about '01.  Say something bad about No One Ever Really Dies, and I might fight you.

N*E*R*D - Hot-n-Fun (ft. Nelly Furtado) from Jae on Vimeo. want me to say it?!  Fine, I'll say it!!
This song is kinda whack.  There.  Happy?!

Is it just me, or does the N.E.R.D. catalog seem to have been released backwards.  Nothing seems like something a MUCH younger group would have released 10 years ago, and it would have lead up to a more complete and less silly album like In Search Of..., now, as the 4th album.  It's like they're in a time warp.  Gah.

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