Friday, August 6, 2010

Sons of Ben: Fear of Creativity in the "Shiver End"

Is there a proper technical term to diagnose someone (or a group of someones) with a fear of creativity?  "Creatiphobia"?  Let's roll with that.

Holy hell, SoB, not only are you guys terrible, but you're thieves.
Listening to you fools last night on TV was like listening to a shitty remix album of New York fans.

Not a creative or original chant for 90min.  Step your game up.
And if you're going to blatantly steal shit, do yourselves a couple of favors:
1) Don't steal from you closest rival.
2) Do better than singing for the first 10min of a game or only when your team is looking good.

No worries, though.  We'll be down there in October to give lessons.  Bring a pen and pad, because it can get complex at times.

Side note:  How's Nicky and his security goons workin' out for ya?!


Anonymous said...

You're a poseur cunt.

Faux Fur and Soccer Shirts said...

Temper, temper!!
Potty mouth like that and you won't get on my Christmas card list.

I won't deny the possibility that I'm a cunt...but it beats anonymous any day.
