Monday, April 26, 2010

M.I.A. - Born Free (NSFW, unless you're like me and just don't give a shit)

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Everyone else is labeling this as NSFW, and its even been taken off of The You Tubes in the US, so I guess I'll provide the same warning.  It's got its gross bits.

Anyway . . .this has been my jamalam for a whopping 2.5 days now (long time for me).  Here's a new link so you can get a better feel for the actual song.  This video just pushes it to an even higher level.  Actually, it reminds me alot of the stuff Lupe is/was doing with Japanese Cartoon.

Dying to see where the hell this album is going.


Brian said...

Gingers? WTF? Haha

Faux Fur and Soccer Shirts said...

I'm guessing the gingers were just meant as symbols to represent the completely arbitrary reasons people decide to "oppress" another group of people.